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Press release


Action contre la Faim calls to vote for solidarity and against the far right


“ACF is simultaneously a non-profit association under the 1901 law, an actor in French civil society, and an international NGO driven by humanitarian principles derived from International Humanitarian Law. This triple identity means that our organization has a duty to take a clear stance for solidarity and against the far right, which is opposed in every way to our fundamental values,” explains Aïcha Koraïchi, President of Action contre la Faim.

 “The principles of humanity, independence, neutrality and non-discrimination have always been the guiding compass of Action contre la Faim and direct our actions on the ground with the most deprived. As our founding Charter reminds us, our neutrality does not prevent us from denouncing the public policies responsible for hunger worldwide, whether it be violations of fundamental rights, or obstacles to fulfilling our social mission”, adds Aïcha Koraïchi.

The prospect of a far right-wing government is a real threat to associative freedom and the sustainability of civil society organizations in France. As an actor in French civil society and a counter-power, ACF is concerned about its ability to maintain a strong, independent voice in a country governed by a far right administration, sadly known for its attacks on civic space.

In France, ACF is deeply concerned about the harmful impacts of policies associated with far right ideas, based on challenging unconditional access to social protection, rolling back the rights of women, LGBTQIA+ people and migrants, closing borders and excluding others, further accentuating food insecurity, which continues to rise in our country.

ACF is also worried about the lack of structural measures to help people facing poverty, whether they are working poor or people suffering a shock and needing solidarity support to cope. Lastly, ACF is alarmed by the total lack of consideration given to the climate crisis and the urgency of ecological transition, and the support for the most vulnerable during this transition, further worsening social inequalities and difficulties for everyone in accessing sufficient, healthy and sustainable food in France.

Internationally, the directions and funding of development cooperation are threatened. A far-right government might support harmful policies that exacerbate the root causes of hunger – conflicts, socio-economic and gender inequalities, climate crisis, and governance failures – by undermining respect for international humanitarian law and human rights (food, health, water, etc.), reversing French feminist diplomacy, and threatening environmental preservation and civic space in our intervention countries.

A far-right government might also lead to massive cuts in public development aid (APD), which is essential for funding solutions to fight hunger, such as humanitarian aid, public services and peasant agroecology. Finally, a far-right government could accelerate the risk of using this APD towards projects serving its security and migration interests, rather than the nutritional and food needs of populations.

Voting against the far right does not imply a blank check for the programs of other political parties that are not situated at the far right of the political spectrum. Our action is strictly humanitarian, non-partisan, and based on responding to the vital needs of populations, assessed impartially and independently of any other consideration. ACF has continuously been vigilant towards the actions of the outgoing government and will remain so, regardless of the outcome of the legislative elections, in the interest of the most vulnerable who suffer from malnutrition and food insecurity.



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